
Pink Unplugged

What a great fun idea to express your love to your nearest and dearest ... or that cute coffee baritsta you want to divulge your undying love.

During Art Week Austin, visitors are invited to visit pink’s temporary love factory set up along the banks of Lady Bird Lake, where they can type a message of affection to someone they love (or just really really like! alot...). Notes are bottled by pink’s love factory workers and delivered by bicycle and foot by pink’s love couriers anywhere in the city and on site during Art City Austin.

Ultimately, pink unplugged is a community engagement project, as it immerses local residents in art-making by providing them with a creative platform through which they can express their love for each other.

Check out the deets and call up your inner Shakespeare, there is a love note calling your name!

1 comment:

Terri @findingdrishti.com said...

how did all the art week stuff go? i missed it all by doing house chores. would love to see/hear some follow-up on the stuff you're posting!