
Extreme Bingo

Looking for a new form of entertainment? Check out the B-12 Bingo Hall on 290 and take a chance on some big fun. The best part…..for only $5 you can buy 5 game sheets with pots starting out at as high as $100 and climbing. First time visitors receive a dauber of their choice and don’t forget to bring a cocktail or two as drinks are permitted as you play. I recommend the non-smoking section as the smoking area can get a little rambunctious and a little hard to breath. See ya there gamers!

B-12 Bingo Hall
2101 W Ben White Blvd.


Lauren Flake said...

I'm pretty excited about this bingo...we used to play in Bryan on Thursdays because they gave everyone two free beers.

shana said...

we should all plan a night to go! that would be really fun!